
Friday, November 23, 2012

iExit Interstate Exit Guide v4 7 1 iOS 4 3+

Release Name: iExit Interstate Exit Guide v4 7 1 iOS 4 3+
Release Name: 20.85 MB

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,,,,Title: iExit Interstate Exit Guide v4.7.1 +##
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::: File Type: IPA ::: Date: 11/22/2012 :::
::: Platform: iOS 4.3+ ::: Cracker: Kim-Jong-Cracks :::
::: Protection: iTunes ::: Size: 21,859,276 bytes :::
iExit tells you what’s coming up in real time when driving on the interstate.
It’s designed to easily communicate which upcoming exits have what you need,
whether that’s gas, a hotel, a rest area, or specifically a Starbucks.
Your GPS will tell you how to get there. iExit will tell you where to stop along
the way.
iExit has been featured on the App Store’s “New and Noteworthy” and “What’s Hot”
Important Notes
- Your device must have a GPS device or a connection to the internet for iExit
to track your location.
- iExit is compatible with iOS 4.3 and later.
- Continued use of GPS running in the background can dramatically decrease
battery life. To prevent iExit from running in the background, click the More
button and turn off Background Alerts.
What’s New in Version 4.7.1
Version 4.7.1:
- Fixed I-76 in Pennsylvania (Pennsylvania Turnpike), as well as added I-276 in
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*Many Thanks to: Dissident, Rastignac, TTWJ, Hackulos and Kim-Jong Teams whose*
**hard work produced the tools and resources to bring free apps to the public**
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